Thursday, March 17, 2016

Shaping Nala Part 1

Goal: To shape Nala. Shaping will conclude when Nala has begun pressing the bar on her own in order to receive a food pellet.

Procedure: Nala has been magazine trained. She has learned that the sound and light in the operant box mean food when activated. I have devised a shaping plan for Nala. First I will reward her for getting near the bar. Then I will reward her for touching/sniffing/biting the bar. I will also reward Nala for rearing up over the bar as she comes down on top of the bar. Today was Nala's first day of shaping and her second day in the operant box. She explored the box for the majority of the session. She occasionally got near the bar and was rewarded. However, she did not press the bar like she did during her first session. She also did not spend a lot of time in the section of the operant box with the bar.

Results: Nala did not press the bar during the 30 minutes session. She explored the box, but did not seemed interested in the food pellets or the bar.

Discussion: Nala did not press the bar today. However, it was her first day of shaping and I did not expect for her to pick up on pressing the bar in one 30 minute session. I think the new environment caused Nala to be over excited and somewhat skittish. I am hoping that after some more time in the box she will become less distracted and be able to focus on the task while training.

This is the operant box that Nala is training in. 

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